Monday 26 November 2012

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Commuting on the MRT

Some characters i drawn while commuting back from work on the train.
I focused on the fashion and silhouette, rather than anatomy, so they are kind of wonky and in some cases not working.

The Crow

The Swindler

 The Technologist

The Monk King

Baphomet Priestess (scrapping)

The Templar

The Templar (M)

Sunday 19 August 2012


A lazy girl who uses technology to accomplish things the lazy way. Her hair is disheveled and side swept to show how lazy she is. She is a mechanical savant who uses a bow (high tech in this fantasy world). She is also good with chemical compounds and alchemy.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Stylized Characters

*Update 28/7*
Preliminary silhouette of characters. 

First sketch (elf) supposed to be a naturemage x spellcaster, not very defined yet so put on hold, not too sure how to exaggerate her abilities in costume design yet, so i just block in her general build for the moment.

Behemoth is a strong bruiser type character. She specialise in brute force and physical domination. I was inspired by baphomet for this design. The hole in the shield is for her to block while attacking.

Swindler is a spellcaster that uses illusionary magic to cheat people off their monies. A very cunning character who lives off merchants and rich politicians.

Monday 18 June 2012

Black Dragon Warrior

line art/sketch...not meant to be skimpy armor and try to emphasize on defense and wearabilty/thickness of it.
working on a game project now, and not much time to do personal stuffs.

Friday 13 April 2012

woke up

had a weird dream about a mynah/crow from the fourth dimension, moving awkwardly in 3d space and pushing my existance out of the 3d space so that i felt so weird and confused and able to sense sounds from 3d space but not being able to communicate with people i wanted to, like through a weird barrier. the crow seemed stuck in 3d space while it "flew" or rather flapped its wings as i tried in vain to push it away, but it was me who was being pushed out of the 3d space instead. i could hear my friend and my brother while i couldnt seem to attract their attention.

and also about a friend digging underground, he re-emerged dressed differently. He dug down and emerged from a verticle deep tunnel (too deep for me to communicate about shouting), complaining about a morphing ghost, green lices (??) and big ants. he was dressed in bright orange and unscathed by the experience if not shaken.

maybe will do some art based on this experience later.

Friday 23 March 2012

fast sketch/paint

speed sketch/paint

an idea of a dark skinned white hair female assassin, in very early stages of the idea. do not like the hair very much as of now, probably shorten/tie up when i go about designing more of the fashion later.